Palmyra Township Zoning Department
The Zoning Department serves the community by overseeing residential standards and property values for Palmyra Township residents. The Department ensures compliance with zoning and nuisance requirements which assures the health and safety of the public, and improves the appearance and quality of living conditions in our township to help maximize property values.
Zoning & Planning
Permit Requirements
Palmyra Township requires a zoning permit for any of the following:
New Construction, Car Port, Deck, Swimming Pool, Shed, Accessory Building, Garage, Additions.
Solar, Outdoor furnace, Wind generator with location on the ground.
Agriculture building’s owner must sign an agriculture affidavit.
Report a Zoning Issue
A signed Zoning Enforcement Request form is required to investigate a potential zoning violation.
Any dog related complaints should be directed to the
Portage County Sherriff Dept.
(330) 296-5100 or the Portage County Dog Warden
Zoning Resolution
Statement of Purpose:
Whereas, the Trustees of the Township of Palmyra deem it necessary for the promotion of public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of Palmyra Township to regulate therein the use, size and location of buildings and other structures, the size and location of yards and other open spaces in relation to buildings, and the use of land, the following districts are hereby created and the following regulations are hereby established to accomplish that purpose.
Palmyra Township Zoning Office
Palmyra Township Zoning Department
3956 St Rt 225 Diamond Ohio 44412
ZONING OFFICE HOURS : Wednesday – 9 am. – Noon Also available by Appointment.
Township accepts cash or checks only.
Sandra Nutter, Zoning Inspector
330-654-4098 Ext. 212
Zoning Secretary
Lisa Whiteford
330-654-4098 Ext. 210

Zoning Commission
The Palmyra Township Zoning Commission is a five member board made up of local residents that volunteer their time to address and review the current Zoning Resolutions, Zoning Amendments , and Development Plans. These recommendations are reviewed by Portage County Regional Planning. The Zoning Commission sends their recommendations for any necessary changes to the Palmyra Township Trustees.
The Zoning Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at
7:00 pm.
All meetings are open to the public, questions are welcome and encouraged.
Secretary - Lisa Whiteford
330-654-4098 Ext. 210

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Bord of Appeals is a five member board made up of Palmyra Township residents who volunteer their time to hear and decide variances and appeals of the Palmyra Township Zoning Resolution. The board of appeals also hears requests for conditional use permits for the use of lands and buildings not specifically listed in the Palmyra Township Zoning Resolution. The Board of Appels meets only as needed the third Thursday at
7:00 pm.
Secretary - Lisa Whiteford
330-654-4098 Ext. 210